Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Why I Love Steroids

So I decided that I might try to post something a little more grammatically correct since my BAC has finally dropped down below the legal limit. Now in this new found state of sobriety, I am saddened to hear that steroids have tainted the one sport which I firmly believed they would not be able to affect. That is the wonderful world of professional wrestling, the WWE.

Thats right, STEROIDS is prevalent in professional wrestling.

Okay so maybe no one is actually surprised by this, but isn't wrestling fake? Does taking steroids boost your chances of winning a rigged fight? No wonder these guys are professional wrestlers. I mean how many steel chairs, bats, ladders (0r park and ride signs) to the head does it take for someone to believe that taking steroids will boost your chances of winning a match that you and your opponent/dancing partner have rehearsed numerous times.

This has earned all of them a call-out. I'm calling out Kurt Angle, Rey Mysterio (Oscar Guttierez he is not), Randy Orton, Edge, Shane Helms and the deceased Eddie Guererro. You are all a bunch of retards, congratulations on attempting to cheat in a sport where performance enhancers dont help you. I now consider all of you part of the John Amaechi fan club you big group of gays, go practice your routine with your dancing partner then go ahead and share the needles you inject into each others butts. I sincerely hope you enjoy aids and your new man boobs. LONG LIVE SHAWN MICHAELS.

Why do I always sound angry? Because people are stupid.

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